Natalia Carolina Del Angel Negrete, graduated from Escuela Libre de Derecho in Mexico City in 2006, having her law degree in 2008.

For the last six years, Natalia del Angel served as Contracts Legal Manager in Grupo Aeroméxico, S.A.B. de C.V. where her primary practice areas at her charger were all fleet related matters for the airlines part of said group whether contractual, financing and regulatory, including the revision, analysis and development of the agreements and any other complementary documentation, financings, sale and lease back, assignments and the whole regulatory proceeding for obtaining the required fleet permits, simulators, goverment granted airline permit, AOC, and the process for the required authorizations in Mexico and beyond for the implementation of new routes, branches, code shares, blocked space, SGHA's and many other arrangements related with the aviation, maintenance and operation of the airlines and its fleet.

Natalia Del Angel worked in Despacho Michel Braverman S.C. specialized in tax, civil and administrative litigation.