We have extensive knowledge and wide experience in all aspects of the sale and purchase, financing and leasing of aircraft, engines, helicopters and other aeronautical equipment. We also advise and represent regular and non-scheduled air operators in obtaining and renewing permits, route authorizations, negotiation and authorization of commercial cooperation operations as codeshare and any other regulatory aspect. Especially:

  • Transactions of purchase, sale
  • Leasing (financial or operating)
  • Financing
  • Repossession of aircraft and parts thereof
  • Incorporation and obtainment of the necessary permits for airline or aircraft owner before the authorities involved for its operation
  • Permit obtainment in diverse countries with particular detail on the rules to be followed on the basis of international treaties relating to both bilateral air traffic and the implementation of international aviation conventions, including the Cape Convention
  • Obtainment of regular, charter, private (both commercial and non-commercial) operating licenses or even in the code-sharing modality currently in vogue
  • Assistance in sanctioning procedures and notifications in competition matters.
  • Contracts with airports and handling services
  • Commercial cooperation contracts.

At Olivares Dufóo y Asociados you will find the support you need to expand your services in Mexico with the confidence of a personal, unique, transparent treatment and fair rates that achieve the tranquility you seek while doing operations in Mexico.